New Walking Tour!

There’s a lot going on at our Saint Petersburg office at the moment. Today for instance, we put the finishing touches on an addition to our cultural programme.
We have added a new walking tour on Tuesdays! These tours will be free of charge for all students and will take around two hours. The tours will deal with different parts and aspects of the city. To make sure that every student, regardless of course type, will be able to attend the tour we have decided to have them at 17:00.
More info on our activities can always be found at our schedule, click here to go there.
The upcoming tours:
Tuesday 23 June, 17:00-19:00.
Interactive Tour of the City Centre
This tour will take you around the most important sights in the city centre. But listen carefully, the guide will ask you questions related to the sights with answers that can be found on or around the sight itself. At the end of the tour we will crown a winner!
The tour will be held in Russian. Of course the guide, Antonina, will make sure that you will understand regardless of what your level is. She is also fluent in English, and will of course translate if needed.
Tuesday 30 June, 17:00-19:00
I think the description in our schedule puts it best:
“Kolomna – one of the oldest and unique areas of the historical center of St. Petersburg, which retained much of the terraced houses of the XIX century. It’s name was established by craftsmen from the village of Kolomenskoye resettled in St. Petersburg in the 30s of the XVIII century. Kolomna borders are peaceful rivers flowing through the city and preserving the memory of time. During our tour you will get acquainted with Mariinsky theatre, Nikolsky cathedral, Lion and Egypt bridges, catholic, protestant churches and Synagogue and learn about the famous citizens of this area.“
Nikita, who will take you around Kolomna, is a native speaker of Russian and is completely fluent in English.
Remember: These tours are completely FREE OF CHARGE!
Photo by Panther under CC BY-SA 3.0