
Assistant / administrator in theatre: St.Petersburg

13 Mai 2012

As part of a busy and professional team, you will assist the theater management team by providing administration and project tracking support during an international theater festival in September-October 2010. Main duties:

  • Assist with on-going administrative duties of the festival office,
  • Provide information and hospitality services for the theater troupes from different countries,
  • Communicate with festival Coordinator  about artist’s problems/challenges , translation
  • Provide organizational assistance to the theater staff attached to the Festival.


  • General requirements: English, French, Polish or Hebrew native speaker, interest in or experience with the performing arts, administration / hospitality experience is a plus. Excellent people/public relations, good note-taking skills and attention to detail, organized/multi-tasking ability.
  • Russian language level and usage:  at least A2, GOOD communication skills
  • Working hours: flexible, morning / evening hours, 10-15 hours / week.
  • Possible duration: 2  months, September – October 2010.

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