
Legal assistance: St.Petersburg, Moscow

27 April 2012

Legal assistants  – also called paralegals— assume a wide range of tasks in legal offices. They can work in many different areas of the law, including litigation, personal injury, corporate law and real estate. Main duties:

  1. Legal assistance and research of international conditions in the legal business
  2. Finding prospective clients and promotional partners
  3. Document flow formalization
  4. Creating and maintaining a database of existing and prospective clients/partners
  5. Reporting


  • General requirements: Higher or incomplete law education,  good level of English, knowledge of business communication and correspondence, high computer and internet skills.
  • Russian language level and usage:  at least B1/В1+, good understanding of written Russian. Communication with Russian colleagues, receiving of tasks and reporting.
  • Working hours: full time, 8 hours / day + 1 hour lunch break
  • Minimum age: 21
  • Possible duration: 1-6 months

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