
The National Geographic Wildlife of Russia Exhibition 2016

The National Geographic Wildlife of Russia Exhibition 2016
15 February 2017

Last weekend I visited the 2016 Wildlife of Russia Photography Exhibition in St.Petersburg. It displays the winning pieces from last year’s competition of the same name. The project is a collaboration between National Geographic Russia and Binbank. The exhibition is located on the 5th floor of the Loft Project ETAGI, 74, Ligovski Prospect. The entrance fee for students is only 100 rubles (200 rubles for a standard ticket). In turn you will get to see stunning photographies of Russia’s diverse flora and fauna. From frozen seas to flaming volcanoes, from the smallest insect to big brown bears- Russia has it all. Below every picture you will find interesting background information and therefore get a chance to improve your Russian while getting acquainted with Russia’s nature.

My Experience

The exhibition is not huge, so depending on your pace, you can go through all the pictures in about an hour +/- 15 minutes. I really enjoyed the casual atmosphere in which the exhibition is taking place. You can step as close to the pictures as you like, take pictures of the pictures or allow yourself to take a break and relax in a beanbag for while. Also, a nature documentary is being projected on one side of the hall, which is especially nice for those who are coming with children. I cannot complain about the ‘quality’ or ‘beauty’ of the photographies. Of course, some of them appeared more impressive to me than others, but overall I must say that they were very touching. Halfway through the exhibition I noticed myself thinking, ‘How beautiful would this world be, if there were no humans around?’. I am still not sure if that is a very positive approach to life, but the beauty of those untouched, wild landscapes just made me wonder. Ultimately, isn’t that exactly what art should trigger inside of us? Should it not provoke us to make up our mind and ask questions? At least for me, I would say this is true. So, based on my personal experience, I warmly recommend you to visit the 2016 National Geographic Wildlife of Russia Photography Exhibition.


If you are in Petersburg somewhere between the 15th February and 30th March, you should go and visit the 2016 National Geographic Wildlife of Russia Exhibition, because it is a unique opportunity to be enchanted by the beauty of Russia’s stunning nature.


This blog was brought to you by Ayla, currently studying Russian at Liden and Denz.

Posted by Ayla Opatz

Hi, my name is Ayla. I am currently studying Russian and completing an internship at Liden and Denz Saint Petersburg. I am looking forward to my time in Russia and want to share my experiences with you via the Liden and Denz blog and social media websites. So stay tuned for more posts!

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