
Lumiere Hall Showcases Van Gogh Like You’ve Never Seen Before

Lumiere Hall Showcases Van Gogh Like You’ve Never Seen Before
20 January 2017

Lumiere Hall Showcases Van Gogh Like You’ve Never Seen Before

Lumiere Hall is a beautiful, spacious, creative space hosting numerous events including Live Canvas (Живые полотна) Exhibitions. It is an impressive combination of art and multimedia production.

The audience has an opportunity to admire the greatest work of art projected on the walls all around the exhibition space. The whole spectacle is followed by music. It is as if you are watching a movie about your favourite artist, combined with all his work.

To me, it seemed like I was watching a creative process unfold.

It is indeed a unique experience viewing the works of your favourite artists displayed on the walls around you. Not only that we can see artists early work, but also how his entire life unfolds. The movie is informative both about the creative process and the art. Thus far, I’ve attended two of the exhibitions – Salvador Dali and Vincent Van Gogh.

The creative space hosting the show is semi-divided, with the art being projected in a form of a movie on the walls. The viewer is comfortably settled in the centre of the room on lazy bags. The movie can be viewed on every wall around us. Very casual, and comfy atmosphere to lay back, relax and enjoy.

Vincent Van Gogh is one of those borderline mad artists who lived to paint and create. It was a way of life for him, not a career choice.

If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.

The movie spoke about Van Gogh’s youth, life, creative periods, the time when he went mad and when he died. Without any spoken words, with only several sentences of written text, music and pieces of art moving before my eyes – I felt as if I was transported to the French province, seeing it through Van Gogh’s eyes.

Audio – visual experience of art is inspiring not only because it makes us dive deeper in the art but also because we see that the technological innovations have found their way to enhance the artistic experience. It is different, but I like it. In my opinion it doesn’t distort the artwork, on the contrary – I think that it brings is closer to the audience.

Current Exhibition at Lumiere Hall are Roerich’s Live Canvas (Рерих – Живые полотна), and the exhibition lasts from January 1st until 12th of March 2017. You can see the exhibition in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Ekaterinburg. The price is 450 rubles, and you can stay as much as you want. There is a cafe as well with snacks, tea and coffee .

Metro Dimitrovskaya is the closest one to Lumiere Hall for those who are visiting in Moscow. For more detailed instructions, visit Lumiere Hall website.


This post was brought to you by Maja, currently studying Russian at Liden & Denz

Posted by Maja

Hi everyone! I am an International Relations graduate venturing Moscow and absolutely enjoying the diversity this city has in store. Currently SEO intern at Liden&Denz, I'm learning Russian and exploring the world of marketing on this side of the planet. Big fan of coffee, mindful conversations and, of course, travelling! Cheers!

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