Shows on Fashion History in Riga: “The Ladies’ Paradise”!

Shows on Fashion History in Riga: “The Ladies’ Paradise”!
23 July 2014

Tomorrow night is the first appointment of “The Ladies’ Paradise”, a series of 10 night performances (1o pm to 1 am) that every thursday, until 21 August, will offer ten fashion designers’ interpretations of the European fashion history of the 20th century.

The performances will take place at the Culture Chalet “Esplanade 2014”, one of the focal points of Riga as 2014 European capital of culture. As with every event hosted at the Esplanade, attending “The Ladies’ Paradise” is free of charge!

The shows will consist of brief slapstick sketches about fashion history, from 1900 till 2000.  The programme for tomorrow night is: fashion 1900-1910 by Iveta Šurma, and fashion 1910-1920 by Anna Heinrihsone. A number of actors will enact the most prominent figures of the periods.

A large screen, showing black and white footage, will be on stage for each show, and it will recreate the atmosphere of the period by showing its characteristic dances and moves. Meanwhile on stage the new couture collections, interpreting a given fashion period, will be presented.

The shows proposes itself to be “witty, recreational, educational and amusing”, and it does appear interesting. Up to you to go and decide whether it fulfils its promises!

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