
Привет from Amy, our New Intern at Liden & Denz St Petersburg!

Привет from Amy, our New Intern at Liden & Denz St Petersburg!
11 March 2021

Всем привет! My name is Amy. I have just started a ‘work & study’ internship with Liden & Denz, St Petersburg. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 flight restrictions, I have had to begin my placement with Liden & Denz from the UK. However, I hope to be able to make it to St Petersburg in the (very) near future!

I am a third year student at Durham University, studying Russian and History. With my year abroad plans in Russia scuppered last term, I ended up spending a semester studying Russian (as well as Czech, and Central European politics) at Palackу University, in the Czech Republic.

My infatuation with the Russian language has always stemmed from my interest in Russian history and politics. In particular, Russian foreign policy during the 20th and 21st centuries, and Russia’s post-Soviet transition. I am also an avid reader of Russian literature. My ultimate favourite is Bulgakov’s Мастер и Маргарита: I’ve lost count of quite how many people I have recommended it to! 

My visits to Moscow, Kostroma and St Petersburg have helped to vindicate my passion for all things Russian. I have consistently been astounded by the warmth and generosity of the Russian people, the seemingly inexhaustible treasure-trove that is Russian history, and the fascinating quirks of Russian culture. 

I cannot wait to start writing for Liden and Denz and to, hopefully, be back in my favourite city (Питер– as St Petersburg is familiarly known) very soon.

Всего доброго! 

Posted by Amy Wyatt

Привет! Меня зовут Amy. I study Russian and History at Durham University, and am currently interning and studying with Liden and Denz St Petersburg. I am particularly interested in Soviet and post-Soviet history, Russian literature, and current affairs.

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