Hello from the new Norwegian intern

Hello! My name is Fredrik, I’m a 26-year-old Norwegian and this is my first post as an intern at Liden & Denz.
I’m about to start the second year of my MA in Global Communication & International Communication, a double-degree programme between the State University of Saint Petersburg and the Free University of Berlin. Originally I come from the small city of Bergen in Norway, but have been fortunate enough to spend the last year in Russia and Germany. Although I sometimes miss the fjords and the seven mountains surrounding my city, there’s really nothing quite like the Hermitage or The Saviour on the Spilled Blood Cathedral.
I’ve always been fascinated by Russia, this huge neighbouring country most Norwegians know very little about. Learning about its rich history and culture, as well as being able to express how I feel on the football pitch are some of what’s drawing me towards the Russian language. I do, however, realise I might not have come to the right place for the latter.
Since I first visited Moscow in 2012, I’ve traveled back to Russia on three occasions but only this time I’m lucky enough to experience Saint Petersburg during the (late) summer. It didn’t take me more than five minutes to conclude that it’s much more enjoyable when wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, rather than the seven different layers one need to protect against the cold during the winter months. Other than that, not much seem to have changed since I left the city seven months ago. All the streets still seem to have its own flower shop, bakery and pharmacy, and the best cuisine served still origins from Georgia. As does the wine.
Once I’m able to keep a conversation going beyond Здравствуйте and Как дела?, I look forward to visit and explore a lot more of Russia and the former Soviet countries. Having studied with people from different parts of Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Kazakhstan for the last couple of years, I’m convinced they all deserve a visit. I also look forward to understand some of the wardrobe jokes made by my Геолком team mates and to understand what the angry бабушка(s) at my dorms are saying behind my back.
For the next couple of weeks I hope to share some of the amazing sides of Saint Petersburg with you!