Hello everyone from Lucrezia, a new Italian intern!
Добрый день всем! My name is Lucrezia and I will be an intern at Liden & Denz in Saint Petersburg for six weeks. Believe it or not I’m so excited about it!
I’m a 22-year-old Italian girl and I live in the North of the country, in Milan and I study Languages and International Relations at Università Cattolica. At this point you can easily understand that I am very much into languages and cultures, right? What do I think about Russian? Being honest the myself-Russian connection has had many ups and downs, it’s basically a fascinating love and hate relationship, but I have to admit that my life wouldn’t be the same without the mighty Russian language.
This is not my first time here in Russia, I’ve already been to Moscow with my parents during a family trip four years ago and last year I came to Saint Petersburg to study at Liden & Denz. I decided to come back for the second time as I had such an amazing experience. I remember the first day I was here, everything was new and I was definitely disorientated. I study Russian at my university, the problem is that what we learn is mainly grammar, so we have basically no vocab or knowledge of different Russian traditions. So, when I came here I didn’t even know how to order a coffee at the café, or how to ask for a metro ticket or a plastic bag at Diksi (a supermarket chain here in Russia). I stayed with a host family and the first week was quite embarrassing as I practically didn’t utter a single word. After some time, I began to gain confidence, learn new words and got to know the Russian environment a bit more. I stayed for six weeks and visibly did huge improvements. By the end of the summer I could even book a table at the restaurant by phone!
Liden & Denz helped me a lot and also made me fell more and more in love with the amazing Russian language. Being able to speak it is not just a mirage, if you work hard it will pay you back and be extremely satisfying!
This year I decided to intern so that I could share my experiences in Saint Petersburg and at Liden & Denz with you guys, hoping to transmit some of my unconditional love for Russia.