Master-class of the Russian cuisine
On Tuesday the 12th of August eleven students from the Liden&Denz St.Petersburg Center took place in the Master Class of Russian Cuisine. We met at 15:30 and Louise, our front-desk manager, accompanied us to the Restaurant Trojka .
There the owner of the restaurant and one of his cooks received us. As we sat down at the table they had prepared for us, we already got to taste a Russian specialty –Морс, a traditional Russian drink, which is made out of berries. Then the cook showed us how to prepare base for блины, the Russian version of pancakes and how to fry them. The courageous of us could also try their luck with turning-over the блины without breaking it.
Looking at food makes you starving and luckily the waiters brought some very tasty блины for all of us. It was not only interesting to learn how Russian food gets prepared and how it tastes, but this excursion was also a good occasion to meet new students from our school and have a little chat with them.
Make sure you check out the events on our site, so that you won’t miss any interesting excursion.