An Intern’s Farewell: Ten Weeks in Riga

An Intern’s Farewell: Ten Weeks in Riga
04 August 2023

How quickly time flies by! It feels like it was yesterday when I was worrying over writing my first article ever (my self-introduction) and yet at the same time it feels so far away. I was initially only supposed to stay for eight weeks in Riga to learn Russian with Liden & Denz and complete my internship, but I truly enjoyed my time here so much that by this time, I have completed 10 weeks of lessons and internship in Riga. 


I am extremely grateful to Liden & Denz and their team for the wonderful summer I have had thanks to this opportunity. The highlights of my time here in Riga include getting to know other international students who are so passionate about learning Russian, witnessing the Latvian heritage in action at the Song and Dance Festival, Ligo (Midsummer), as well as other cultural events.  My Russian has improved tremendously within the limited time I have been with Liden and Denz. My progress hasn’t always been obvious – I have been struck many times with the feeling of a lack of progress only to realize later how much I have learned while listening to the news in Russian or going through old notes. 


And to anyone who has read anything that I have written on this blog: thank you! I have truly enjoyed chronicling my discoveries in these articles, and they have inspired me to seek out new adventures and try new things. I can only hope that what I have shared has been helpful, and that it has helped someone else in some small capacity. The articles that I have written are reflective of what I have learned and how much I have grown as a person in my time here. 


I had two main goals before coming here: to learn Russian and to learn more about Latvia. Looking back on the past ten weeks, I definitely feel like I have accomplished both, and I have learned so much as a result. Not to mention, I had so much fun in the process! Coming to Latvia to learn Russian was initially a random, spontaneous decision, and I am very grateful for this opportunity. I shall also cherish for a long time the fond memories that I have of watching Latvian dances, going to local museums and hanging out at Lido or going on spontaneous adventures with the friends that I have had the tremendous fortune to meet. 


I hope that this farewell will only be temporary, and that I will one day be back at Liden & Denz happily continuing the grind at Russian grammar and vocabulary. Once again, thank you, and happy Russian learning!


До встречи! 


Yeap, currently studying Russian at Liden & Denz Riga

(Photo credits to the author)

One response to “An Intern’s Farewell: Ten Weeks in Riga”

  1. Casey Mink says:

    Nice to meet you and congratulations on your tremendous progress!

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