
Interview with Yannick an Instagram blogger and our student.

Interview with Yannick an Instagram blogger and our student.
18 August 2020

He tagged @lidenz on Instagram, that’s how we got to know that an Instagram blogger with more than 28K followers was a student of Liden & Denz Riga. We couldn’t miss the chance to interview him. Please welcome Yannick from Switzerland! 

What is your name and where are you from?

>> Янник / Yannick from Yvonand, a beautiful little village in the French part of Switzerland ??  

Why did you choose to learn Russian?

>> I was supposed to travel all around the world during the year 2020, but life has decided it otherwise with the worldwide arrival of Covid-19. As my Round the World trip has been stopped from mid-march, after being 3 months “blocked” in Switzerland at my parents’ house, I decided that it was time for me to do some personal careers development! As I have been travelling already in over 90 countries, lived in Switzerland / Australia and Malaysia and can speak French / English / Spanish, I decided to go for Russian. I do think that this should open Doors for me for Great Business opportunities with Countries where the Russian is spoken (To know that Russian is the seventh-most spoken language in the world by a number of native speakers and the eighth-most spoken language in the world by the total number of speakers). On top of that, I really somehow find that it is a beautiful language and people’s are really nice!

What are the fun part and difficult part of learning Russian?

>>Learning Russian in the first weeks are really insane as it is a different alphabet. It is really tough to put everything together, and at the beginning, I was really wondering “Why am I doing this..?” ?

What was it like to study at Liden & Denz? 

>> Studying at Liden & Denz has been really great! And I think it was the best time ever to study there as of the travel restrictions, the maximum students that we have been in a class were 4! Thanks as well to my “Old School” Преподаватель Ольга who has been strict but makes me learn a lot !!

Yannick with certificate

Do you have any favourite word in Russian?

>> May be: удивительный, Путешественник и Достопримечательности / I think they takes times to learn them but they are Amazing Words

Do you have any advice for students learning Russian?  

>> As I always said, if you want to learn a new language, you have to be fully dedicated to it! Meaning you take a few weeks of your life and dedicated them fully to just learning the language! And especially for Russian, you may feel like giving up after 1-2 weeks already, but Never Give Up! Eventually, after 2-3 weeks you will already see huge progress and it does make you feel wonderful!

How is daily life like in Riga? 

>> Daily life in Riga was great even tho that the weather there is so unpredictable! The reason I have been there was only that travel to Russia was impossible due to borders closed…

Right now I am currently in Minsk learning some more Russian with private courses! Despite the crazy situation that the country is currently having, it is definitely much better to be learning Russian in a country where everybody speaks Russian and live with Russian languages! 

I do really hope that by September borders will be open with Russia in order that I can continue to improve my Russian in one of the L&D school in Moscow & Irkutsk 🙂

Thank you, Yannick! Looking forward to seeing you among our students in Russia. 



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