
Navigating Russian Streets

Navigating Russian Streets
23 September 2016

Moscow Street signs, mystery solved! Keep reading…


If you have never studied Russian before, there will be many things to learn upon your arrival.  Even if you have an elementary knowledge of the language, the addresses may still be confusing.  Unlike some countries in the west, Russian addresses place the name of the street before the number of the building.  The apartment, office or studio number comes last. For example, “30 Lark Street, Apartment 3” would read: “Lark Street, Building 30, Apartment 3” or in some specific cases: “Street Lark, Building 30, Apartment 3”.  This will be fairly simply to understand after some practice. On street signs, the names for these will be abbreviated. Below you will find a table of the Cyrillic, English phonetics, abbreviations and a rough translation of the meanings for locational terms in the city center.

улица Ulitsa ul. Street
переулок Pereulok per. Lane
проспе́кт Prospekt Avenue
дом Dom d. House
квартира Kvartira Apartment
подъезд Podezd Entrance


Street signs in Moscow and St. Petersburg are not posted on corners! They are placed on the sides of the buildings at intersections and along the road.  You may have to look more carefully than you are used to. Additionally, the busier streets (i.e., the prospekts) will seem far too full of traffic for you to cross. It is. There will be an underpass placed near every few intersections for you to cross safely and without having to wait for a light.

Happy wandering!


Sam Cramer is currently studying Russian at Liden & Denz Moscow


Posted by Sam Cramer

Sam Cramer is currently studying Russian language at Liden & Denz Moscow. At university, Sam studied anthropology with a concentration in Central and Eastern European studies. She has been to Moscow once before, in 2012, and is very excited to be back! Sam is an avid tea drinker, dog lover and is known for having the loudest laugh in the room.

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