Polaroids Around Riga

So with it being my last couple days and all, I decided to skip writing a post and instead share my favorite pictures from my stay here. Funny thing you’ll notice is all the pictures are on Polaroid film (from the cameras the print up the picture as soon as you take it). When I first got this camera in June and realized I would have it for Riga, I decided right then I would do a gallery of Polaroid pictures.
And I’ll be honest, it’s been hard figuring out how to photograph large buildings, with changing light situations, with honestly a camera that is “old-stylez”. Probably the biggest challenge has been the importance of taking the perfect shot the first time. With the film as expensive as it is, there’s not really any room for error when taking a picture. That being said, I messed up quite a bit, but I came up with a set of pictures I’m rather proud of. I hope you enjoy…
Mark Kennedy, currently studying Russian at Liden & Denz Riga.