Small dictionary of Russian school
Education, education, and education. An integral part of society across the world. Образование (education) of all ages plays a particularly significant role in Russia which is illustrated by the tradition which has become День знаний (The day of knowledge). This takes place every year on Первое сентября (The first of September).
It is on this very day that the first day of school commences in Russia. Across the whole nation, this day signals the real end of the summer and pupils return to school. Some of these young minds will be embarking on their school careers for the first time in their lives! This adds to much of beauty surrounding this day in Russia.
During the Soviet era, this day acted as a celebration to mark the start of the academic year in schools. It was in 1980 that this day officially came to be known as День знаний and it has since remained a part of Russian society and culture.
This small dictionary of Russian school may come in handy for your own studies as a pupil of the Russian language and its culture!
Урок (Lesson/Class)
As a student, you will have to attend many different classes in order to make progress with your Russian. На уроках (in classes) at Liden & Denz a wide range of topics will be covered to ensure that your Russian develops and is completely well-rounded.
Учебник (Textbook)
Undoubtedly, this is one of the most important words as a student of Russian. Textbooks are an essential part of studying a language. They expose you to many dialogues and exercises which will prove beneficial throughout your studies. Using a variety of different textbooks is helpful to working your way up to a proficient level in the target language.
Тетрадь (Exercise book)
In connection with textbooks, exercise books are essential and keep all of your important notes about the Russian language. If you are an avid student then you will need many exercise books in order to keep on taking points and learning the Russian language.
Линейка (literally a ruler but in this context a group)
This is whereby the pupils in the first class form stand in a group outside of the school and they are addressed by директор школы (the head teacher of the school). The keen pupils wait in a line and attentively listening to the formal welcome speech which symbolises the start to their school careers.
Звонок (The bell)
It is during the линейка when one of the pupils in the 11-ый класс (The last class in school) rings the bell thus commencing the start of the school year. It marks the beginning of a new start for all the pupils.
Первоклассник (A pupil in the first class)
We were all once a pupil in our first year at school. Although that may now be a long time ago, today it is now the turn for the next generation to start with their lives as students at school. There is even a lovely phrase that sums this up: первый раз в первый класс (The first time in the first class).
I hope all the students enjoy their years as a pupil in school. Whilst Russian students are heading to school for an important first day commencing the academic year, you may be doing something completely different. Nonetheless, всех поздравляю с днём знаний! (May you all have a lovely first of September!)