Tchaikovsky’s 175th anniversary Celebrations

Tchaikovsky’s 175th anniversary Celebrations
31 March 2015

On the occasion of Tchaikovsky’s 175th anniversary special events will be held all over Russia during 2015. Пётр Ильич Чайковский (Pyotr Ilich Tchaikovsky)’s birthday is on May 7, but unique performances and concerts have already started. Especially Saint Petersburg and Moscow, the composer’s most beloved cities, will celebrate the great Russian artist with an extensive program from 7 to 30 May. For the official opening of the celebrations a huge Symphonic orchestra will perform «Славянский марш» (Slavic March), «Ромео и Джульетта» (Romeo and Juliet ), Symphony No. 6, fragments of «Щелкунчик» (The Nutcracker), «Спящая красавица» (Sleeping Beauty) and «Лебединое озеро» (Swan Lake). 

In Saint Petersburg Консерватория им. Н.А. Римского-Корсакова (Konservatirya N.A. Rinskogo-Korsakova) will perform «Лебединое озеро» on 4, 8, 19 April.

The Hermitage Theatre gives the opportunity to see the extraordinary performance of Театр «Русский балет» (Theater “Russian Ballet”). They prepared a unique act, which collected the most striking pieces of main works as the Swan Lake, Spartacus, Don Quixote, Sleeping Beauty, Nutcracker. The Гала-концерт «Шедевры мирового балета»(Gala-konzert “Shedovry mirovogo baleta”) will be performed on 8, 22 April.

On 25 April Смольный собор (Smolny sobor) will hold «Пиковой дамы» (Queen of Spades), one of Thaichovsky’s last works. The Smolny Cathedral Chamber Choir and Symphony Orchestra will be led by Vladimir Begletsova.

The Michailovsky Theatre repertoire includes «Евгений Онегин» (Evgeni Onegin) on 5, 6, 10,11 of May and the Swan Lake on 7, 8 May, which will be both dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the composer’s birth.

The Theatre «Санктъ-Петербургъ Опера» will hold the opera “Evgeni Onegin” on 4 April and 13, 30 May. The performance consists of compositions by national and international competitions winners. During May the theatre organizes also several concerts, including two big gala concerts dedicated to Tchaikovsky’s anniversary. On May 7 the Gala concert program will include several famous works of the Russian composer.

In Moscow an exhibition dedicated to Tchaikovsky’s 175th anniversary opened at The Bolshoi theater historical building Chorus Hall, where you can see photos of scenes for performances, old posters copies, theatre programs and pamphlets. On April 22 the conservatory МГК имени П. И. Чайковского (MGK P.I. Tchaikovskogo) will hold a concert to celebrate the composer’s 175th anniversary, mainly based on «Литургия Святого Иоанна Златоуста» (Liturgiya Sviatoga Ioanna Zlatousta)

This spring seems to be full of cultural events and unique performances, so if you are in Russia or you have planned to come here soon I suggest you check out this website for more information.

The cultural season will continue in summer and in particular, from 23 June to 3 July 2015, Moscow and Saint Petersburg will hold the XV International Tchaikovsky Competition, which will be hosted at the Mariinsky Theatre among other venues.

Written by: Jessica Carrettiero

Photo Credit: Creative Commons

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