Yaroslavl – One of the Golden Ring cities of Russia
Ярославль – located about 250 kilometers from Moscow, this city carries over 1,000 years of Russian history and is one of the Golden Ring cities of Russia. Yaroslavl is the home to the first theatre in Russia – The Volkov Theater, named after Fyodor Volkov. The theatre today hosts many classical and modern works from all over the world.
The city has many other beautiful places to check out, and all worth seeing. Here are just a few:
1) Ярославский государственный историко-архитектурный и художественный музей-заповедник (Yaroslavl State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve) – the largest museum in Yaroslavl and one of the oldest in Russia. If going to this museum, be sure to go to the top and to get the panoramic view of the city.
2) Спасо-Преображенский Мужской Монастырь (The Transfiguration Monastery) – the most ancient structure in Yaroslavl where the museum mentioned above is located, and in which The Tale of Igor’s Campaign was found.
3) Церковь Иоанна Предтечи (The Church of St. John The Baptist) – by looking at that RUB 1000 banknote you have in your wallet, you will see this 17th-century church with 15 domes that carries great architectural value.
4) Ярославский Художественный Музей (Art Museum of Yaroslavl)– once the Governor’s residence and “resting” palace of Alexander I, this art museum now hosts a rich collection of Russian paintings from the 13th to 20th century, particularly starting from the 18th century.
And because you are going to have to eat at some point:
5) Иоанн Васильевич – A Russian restaurant and club with great food and beautiful design in honor of one of Soviet Union’s most famous comedies “Ivan Vasilievich: Back to the Future”.