Today marks the six month anniversary of my initial move to Russia in February, and my flight back to the UK. To find a way to say goodbye to this wonderful, crazy country, I ...
I am a self-professed history nerd, especially when it comes to modern history of Russia. As I’m now into my final week in St. Petersburg, I find myself looking at the long ...
Anyone who has had any interaction with me in the last few weeks will know that it is my birthday today – and that I still get about way too over-excited about it. To further ...
During my time in St. Petersburg so far, I have walked past St. Isaac's Cathedral and been quietly impressed with it more times than I can say. However, I never took the time ...
Back by popular demand, here are some more widely-used and wonderful Russian sayings, this time all following the theme of animals. Enjoy!
Чья бы корова мычала, а твоя бы ...
Travelling by Russian trains has always been a popular and cheap way to travel in Russia, and many do not think anything of journeys which last several days when venturing ...
Anyone keeping track of the articles coming out of the St. Petersburg campus at the moment will realise that we are not being blessed with the best summer weather. As far as ...
I do have a soft spot for Russian proverbs and sayings, there just seems to be one for every situation that has ever existed. My previous foray into the use of porridge to ...
I should probably start this article by saying that I really know nothing about art. Of course, it’s fun to pretend – wandering aimlessly around galleries and regurgitating ...
It is sadly time to bid farewell to another one of our interns. I asked Emily a few questions to find out about her time working and studying here at Liden & Denz.
It's ...
If you have a bit of free travelling time at the end of your course, or simply want a weekend away from the big city, the Karelian capital Petrozavodsk is situated five hours ...
[caption id="attachment_49407" align="alignleft" width="300"] Did your family even visit if you didn't take a selfie in front of the Hermitage[/caption]
If you are spending ...