Every year on March 8th Russian women become the center of attention. This day is reserved for Russian men to pamper their wife, girlfriend, mother, sisters and favorite ...
Have you ever heard about Defender of the Fatherland Day? Or as it is called in Russian День защитника Отечества (Den’ zaschtschitnika Otschestva)? If not- Don't worry. I have ...
The Russian holiday Maslenitsa (Масленица), also called ‘Butterweek’, is taking place from 20th-26th of February this year. If you have not heard of Maslenitsa before, you ...
The months of Gratitude are upon us. Or, should I say days? Starting with Thanksgiving in the West all the way to Epiphany in the East. I am talking about two different ...
So December is well underway and that means one thing: Christmas! Except, Christmas isn’t quite the same over here in Russia. First of all, they celebrate New Year (Новый ...