If you have been learning Russian for some time, you might want to sound less like a textbook and more like a native. This is where slang (сленг) can help you! In general, ...
As a Russian student of about 6 years (scary!), I have been on a quest to find the most effective tools to accelerate my language learning. Among the various resources I have ...
Vocabulary do not say anything about how well you can construct a sentence, but it is of course essential if you want to understand what people say. You can also make yourself ...
English is the language of globalisation, and it would be hard to find a language that is not affected by English in some way. Russian is no exception. While in the past, ...
It’s certainly one of the first things you read about while searching the internet to get an overview before you travel to St Petersburg. And as I had already heard from so ...
There's endless debate about how many words you need to know in order to be 'fluent', I couldn't try to put a number on it. When you consider learning a language, the expanse ...