
Take a walk

Take a walk
12 December 2016

Where I am from, people cover most distances by bike. Since my arrival in Saint Petersburg, I have walked a lot. Not only from home to school and vice versa, or to a certain destination, but also just went outside and took a walk. And now I have rediscovered the becalming effect of taking a walk.

The evening is a great time to wander around in the city, as I think the light is very pleasant at that time. The streetlights emit a nice kind of orange – interesting: I found out that most of the streetlights are orange in many cities as orange light is cheaper to produce than white light – and the facades of the buildings are often finely spotlighted. Furthermore, there are signboards and banners that lighten up the street, and give the scene a nice atmosphere.

Besides that, I like to stroll around in a snow covered Saint Petersburg. Unfortunately, the last days it has stopped snowing, and started thawing. Fortunately, at this very moment, I see through the window that it has started snowing again. Sometimes, the snow gives the city a sort of mythic ambience. It also makes the city more calm, as the snow mutes the sound of the city a bit. And right now, the cold gives you the opportunity to really get some fresh air.

And as you stroll around, you will keep finding new places that you have never been. Two years ago I have lived in Saint Petersburg for three months, and now, as I have returned, I am amazed by the number of places I have never visited before. I have walked through many streets I had never walked through. Also, since the city’s streets are broad, a walk on the other side of the street may seem like you are walking a different one. As you walk on the left sidewalk of the Nevskiy Prospekt, you will see something much different, then as you will walk the right one.

And at the end of the walk, you may have found a nice place to visit the next day. You passed a seemingly interesting museum, café, park. Yesterday, I walked by the Sennoy Market. I think I will visit it one of these days.

Written by Ramon Wensink, currently studying at Liden & Denz Intercultural Institute of Languages, Saint Petersburg

Posted by Ramon Wensink

My name is Ramon and currently I study Russian at the Liden & Denz Institute in Saint Petersburg. During my stay in this marvelous city, I will try to inform and entertain you with various articles.

One response to “Take a walk”

  1. Filip says:

    The centre of St.Pete is a marvellous place to hang out. Ancient buildings with intricate style. The only problem is rapidly-changing weather. I remember a night out when we went out of Marchelli’s it was a beautiful warm evening and then all of a sudden we got caught with a downpour and then mixed with snow. Fun thing people dont usually get upset here. You can meet a variety of street musicians almost all year round, rain or shine. So we had grabbed some cognac and joined a small party around street musicians. This was real fun, sharing good time and booze with locals. Nevertheless, it became too cold outside, luckily some guys showed a bar across the street. The musician packed his stuff and was about to leave so we went to this place Zavistbar to sit over the snowy rain. By the way the bar turned out to be awesome: good choice of drinks, lounge music. There was also pole-dancing and a lot more in the crazy menu. We got out like in the dead of the night. Guess what? The city never sleeps, I mean Nevsky – fabulous.

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