1.One of the Oldest Film Studios in Europe
Mosfilm Studios located in Moscow has played host to the production of some of the most significant cinematic works in history. ...
Many cities across the world have adopted the metro as the preferred method of public transportation, but few have gone to the same extent as Russia has to beautify their ...
The Golden Ring (Золотое Kольцо) is a series of cities arranged in roughly the shape of a ring just northeast of Moscow that played significant roles in the development of ...
Shopping Mall And More: GUM - Russia's First Department Store
GUM (ГУМ) is an abbreviation of Главный Yниверсальный Mагазин, or Main Universal Store, and actually a number ...
Konstantin Petrovich Feoktistov (Константин Петрович Феоктистов) was born on February 7th, 1926, and died 5 years ago today, on the 21st of November, 2009. Konstantin lived a ...
By now you have no doubt heard of the Rosetta space probe and its mission to become the first manmade object to ever successfully landed on a comet. The European Space Agency ...
So-called Quest Games, such as the ever popular Claustrophobia, are springing up all over Russia and Eastern Europe. This new type of interactive experience was developed as ...
Learn Russian - Free WordPower by Innovative Language Learning, LLC is one of the most popular Russian language learning apps on iTunes right now. There are many reasons from ...
Moscow is a massive and sometimes intimidating city and can pose some difficulties to those who want to get around and see all the wonderful sights that Moscow has to offer. ...
October Revolution. On this day in history, in the late hours of the evening, Vladimir Lenin organized his allies in the Petrograd Soviet, and signaled by a blank shot fired ...
Today I was fortunate enough to witness a military parade on Red Square. The parade was commemorating the 73rd anniversary of the Soviet parade on the anniversary of the ...
Last Friday students and staff at Liden & Denz Moscow center had the opportunity to visit a peculiarity of the Russian state. While you can find art museums, history ...