Where to use ISIC card benefits?

Where to use ISIC card benefits?
29 December 2015

Where to use ISIC card benefits?

ISIC card stands for International Student Identity Card. It is an official identification that provides you with several benefits worldwide, most of them are discounts on cafes, restaurants, shops, theatre plays and museum entrances that sometimes you can get them from 5% discount or completely free.

In all of our language centers, the school administration can provide you with this card all year round, you only need to give them a recent photo and cover a fee no maximum to 15 euro. There are two types of ISIC ID, one is for those who work as teachers and travel worldwide and the student card benefits, usually the most convenient for the people coming to visit Russia is the second one.

In one of the articles I published before, I wrote about Stirka bar, so this place is making up to a 20% discount when you show them this card. I strongly recommend it, either for a short or long period when you come to study to Russia. I have used the card to enter the movie theater with 10% off. Even you can get a less price at hostels if you go to visit Moscow or St. Petersburg, I’ll let you the website to visualize the benefits online and make your choice faster. Please keep in mind that the card gives you the benefit to visit the Hermitage museum as many times you want for free.

For more detailed information visit:


This post was brought to you by Eliant, currently studying Russian at Liden & Denz

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