Have you ever tried pickled tomatoes? What about pickled garlic? And pickled apples? If these foods sound unusual to you, there are high chances you are not ...
With no doubt, tasting traditional food of the city you are visiting is one of the most exciting experience to make. Hence, if you are now in Saint Petersburg, you would ...
There are a lot of things I love about Russia, but I’m definitely obsessed with food.
If you’re planning to visit St.Petersburg (or Russia in general), mentally prepare ...
La Cucina Russa: Come e cosa mangiano i Russi?
Iniziamo con il dire che la dieta Russa è ricca di colture che possono prosperare anche in un clima freddo come ...
Добро пожаловать в СССР! (Dobro pozhalovat v SSSR!) When you arrive in Russia and you start to look around to find a place to eat you notice a widespread "phenomenon" called ...
Living in Russia for 6 months now has taught me that Russians have a sweet tooth. Many of their typical desserts are based on tvorog, condensed milk, berries, and more. And ...
In order to diversify the menu served to Russian high society and royalty of XIX century, their chefs invented (and adopted from other cuisines) numerous recipes based on ...
Stolle Pies - The best пироги in town!
In my opinion, Stolle pies are the best пироги – pies - in town. The atmosphere of their cafés intends to reflect the end of 19th and ...