
Бессмертный Полк: The Immortal Regiment

08 May 2021

A Short History of День Победы Victory Day is one of the most important celebrations in Russia. It marks the end of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). On 8 May 1944 at ...
06 May 2021

Victory Day in Russia is coming up at the end of this week, and as usual, there is plenty planned. The annual parade will take place this year, having been postponed last year ...
06 May 2019

In a few days, all the nations that played a role in the Second World War will celebrate a special event: the victory over the German Reich in 1945. Depending on the country, ...
08 May 2017

Perhaps the most famous Russian holiday, Victory Day or 9 May celebrates the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany in the Second World War (or “Great Patriotic War”, as ...
08 May 2017

Victory Day is one of Russia's biggest national holidays, so it's no wonder that so many films, songs, poems and books have drawn inspiration from it. Take a look below to see ...
11 May 2016

Victory Day, in Russian День Победы, is celebrated on May 9th. It celebrates the surrender of Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union during the Second World War. Victory day is a ...
09 May 2015

On May 9 Russia celebrates День Победы (Victory Day) and the victory of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany during World War II in 1945. Great celebrations are taking place in ...
12 May 2014

День Победы or Victory Day is a big holiday in Russia, to celebrate the end of WWII – Russia received news of the surrender from Nazi Germany at just past midnight Moscow Time ...
09 May 2014

Victory Day or День Победы is a very important day in Russia and has been for a very long time, as it marks the day that Nazi Germany capitulated to the Soviet Union in the ...
08 May 2014

The May 9th, or the Victory Day marks the capitulation of Nazi in Germany and the end of the Second World War. It is the same celebration that the armistice of the May 8 (May ...
08 May 2014

Victory Day is always a huge celebration in Russia and St Petersburg is once again doing it in style, with plenty of events scheduled throughout the day. The day kicks off ...