For this week's app review, we're going underground to navigate Russia's metros. Some newcomers to a city might find it difficult or at least a hassle to navigate the ...
This past Sunday, I had the opportunity to go visit a place that I had previously only heard about in a college Russian history class, as it was the site of a rebellion among ...
If you ask any well informed person or professor of literature to give you a list of the greatest authors of all time, you can bet that you will find the name Fyodor ...
As a student at Liden & Denz and living close to the intersection of Kollontai street (улица Коллонтай) and Prospect Bolshevikov (Проспект Большевиков), one of the first ...
St. Petersburg is famous for being the most "western" city in Russia when it comes to architecture, culture and mentality. Therefore, it should be no surprise that the city ...
This week's app review isn't exactly going to be an app review, but rather a website review, which also has a mobile app. The website (and corresponding app) is called spotted ...
Large Scale of Things: All Russian Exhibition Centre
One thing visitors to Moscow may quickly notice is the immense scale of things. Nearly every structure in the city was ...
This Monday, the 4th of November, Russia celebrates the Day of Russian Unity (День народного единства). The day marks the anniversary of the uprising, which expelled ...
Today, I'm going to review another great and totally free app that you can use at home, school or when you're standing in line or on the metro. The app is called Flashcardlet, ...
Today, I would like to highlight one of the applications (which I use on literally a daily basis) with this short review. The app is called simply "LEO" and is the ...
Pierre Billon-Lanfrey works in a hotel in Biarritz in France. Here is his story:
Why did you decide to come to Russia to study Russian?
It was an idea of mine. I have ...
This article will be the first of a weekly series in which I will review some of my favorite mobile apps and websites for studying Russian. To start it off, I would like to ...