
Salvador Dali and Surrealism of Catalonia

09 Dec 2013

St. Petersburg is known as a cultural capital of Russia. But in many ways, it's also a capital of all western culture. Thanks to the world famous Hermitage (Эрмитаж) museum, ...
05 Dec 2013

Anyone who has ever been to Russia can't help but notice the Russian pride in their various military victories throughout history. This pride usually manifests itself in ...
04 Dec 2013

Its Wednesday and that means that it’s that time of the week to review another useful Russian language resource! This week I'd like to share with you the website of one of my ...
29 Nov 2013

Most people who grew up in the west are familiar with the cartoon character  Winnie the Pooh (Винни-Пух) from the A.A. Milne story. And most westerners are probably familiar ...
28 Nov 2013

If you have walked down Nevskiey Prospekt towards Palace square in the past few days, you may have noticed a dramatic change to the city skyline in that area. Finally, after ...
27 Nov 2013

St. Petersburg is a favorite destination for tourists thanks to its beautiful sights and history. But another thing that makes the city so worth visiting is actually not the ...
26 Nov 2013

It’s the end of November and not surprisingly, it's getting cold out in Russia. So, it’s a good time to participate in some traditional Russian practices and pile into ...
25 Nov 2013

Every major city has its own unique buildings and architectural style that sets it apart from other cities, and Moscow is no exception. Looking at any picture of the Moscow ...
19 Nov 2013

Looking for a club with the right mix of dancing, electronic music, located in the historic center of St. Petersburg and named after the 44th president of the United States? ...
18 Nov 2013

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to travel back in time and visit one of the last remaining Soviet diesel submarines still afloat. Docked just off of Naberezhnaya Leytenanta ...
15 Nov 2013

After walking through the streets of St. Petersburg with a decent knowledge of the city's history, it's easy to notice the presence German influences all around town. Aside ...
14 Nov 2013

Studying in St. Petersburg, but want to visit Moscow on the weekend? Time can be short when you are student and a train ride can take up to an entire night. So, what can you ...