Everyone has different approaches to language learning and at Liden & Denz our teachers combine several methods so you can develop all your skill areas. As all students of ...
Unassuming by day, you can quietly pass through the small street tucked down the side of Gostiny Dvor (Гостиный Двор). But after dark, and especially on the weekend, ...
Thinking of taking a trip to the capital for the weekend? Or perhaps you already study at the Liden & Denz language centre there but just don't know where to start when it ...
Kupetz Eliseevs (Магазин Купцов Елизеевых) is the city’s finest foodhall and another piece of eye-catching Art Nouveau architecture on Nevsky Prospekt (Невский Проспект). ...
You’ll start to doubt whether Dunes (Дюны) truly exists as you wander through the grim industrial estate just off Ligovsky Prospekt (Лиговский Проспект). Have a little faith ...
There are an impressive 342 bridges spanning across the many canals in St. Petersburg. You can look out for the four Coloured Bridges (Цветные Мосты) that cross the Moika ...
Residents of St. Petersburg know that the best views of their city are from the rooftops and Makaronniki (Макаронники)is a must if you want to admire the skyline in chic ...
Dom Knigi (Дом книги) is situated on the corner of Nevsky Prospekt (Невский Проспект) and Canal Griboedova (Канал грибоедова). The bookstore is on the first floor of the ...
Situated behind St. Isaac’s Cathedral (Исаакиевский собор) on Senate Square (Сенатская площадь) stands the famous monument of Saint Petersburg, the Bronze Horseman (Медный ...
Last Friday evening saw a group of Liden & Denz students take a boat trip along the canals of St. Petersburg, through some of the most enchanting parts of the city.
Our ...
As a keen foodie who’s already lived here for five months, I have a few ideas of where to go when dining out in St. Petersburg. Here is my top selection which I believe caters ...
The temperatures are soaring in the Capital of the North this week, so continuing on our quest to find the best places for enjoying summer in the city, we present to you ...